Monday, December 6, 2010

Freelancing is the IN thing

Global recession, poor local economy, scarcity in jobs and opportunities... don’t let these hinder your success. Scouring for the usual job boards, waiting for responses and offers are not ways to survive this challenging time. The current economic status is pushing us, harder than ever, to be more proactive.  Look into your skills, talents, and passion.  Push yourself more. You know you can.

Gone are the days of submitting resumes, dressing up, interviews, and endless waiting for employer’s replies. If libraries and museums can be online these days, so are jobs.  With the recent technologies that we have, we are being liberated from the conventional form of working. Why bother going to the office everyday, deal with politics and egos in the workplace when you can earn enough, or even more than that, at the most flexible workplace – your own home?  You don’t have to go abroad or leave your children at home to earn dollars. What could be more rewarding than earning well enough without sacrificing the things or people you value the most?

Have you ever heard of people giving up their corporate jobs to be a freelancer?  Or an expecting mother who successfully earned a lot through writing while waiting for the baby to come out? These are stories of real, liberated people. These are stories of freelancers.

Freelancing is liberating and rewarding. You can achieve the career growth you want by maximizing your potential and working for foreign companies. Freelancing allows you to choose who you want to work for, when and how you work.  You don’t have to miss those birthday parties or vacations. Think about it. Countless opportunities await you, only if you are brave enough to take that plunge.

Good things don’t come to those who simply wait. Be proactive! Be liberated! Take the plunge!

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